The Larva Library
Inspiring Future Scientists
through Hands-On Learning

What is the Larva Library?
Linda was five years old when she discovered an interesting creature called a mealworm, the larval stage of a darkling beetle. Like all living things, the mealworm goes through a life cycle. But in the mealworm's case, the entire life cycle can be seen in just a few months! Mealworms begin as eggs, hatch into tiny larval mealworms, and grow until they pupate and eventually become darkling beetles. This was something Linda had to see! After convincing her parents to buy mealworms as a science experiment for her Kindergarten class, Linda hatched a plan to keep her mealworms. Shouldn't all children have the chance to experience and be inspired by hands-on science?
And the Larva Library was born!
Through the Larva Library, Linda loans mealworm life cycle experiment kits to local classrooms, libraries, and community centers. Each kit includes a viewing tank, wheat bran bedding, mealworms, care instructions, and videos to share with the class or group.
Larva Library delivery is currently limited to public schools, libraries, and community centers in Prince William County, Virginia. In 2024, a pilot program will allow public schools, libraries, and community centers in Fairfax County to participate in the Larva Library program through a pre-arranged pick-up/drop-off location in Fairfax County. As funding permits, Linda hopes to expand the program across Virginia and, one day, around the world!
The Larva Library Depends on You!
After six years of service to the Prince William County community, Linda's viewing tanks were badly in need of replacement this year. The wear and tear of travel and excited children had reduced the number of tanks available for loan, limiting the Larva Library's impact. In October 2023, thanks to your support, the Larva Library tanks were replaced with NEW higher quality viewing tanks!
The Larva Library relies on your support to provide high quality life cycle kits to local schools. To support this program, please visit the Linda's Lab Shop. Linda's products are designed to inspire creative play and innovative thought. Your purchase directly funds Linda's programs. Help Linda bring science to more classrooms, libraries, and community centers!